
(Elisa why’d you do that?)

I step in the shower only securing my dirt

Sure I’ve been hurt/ but hurt is purshed on the shore

The waves splash my heart/ I stay back and start swimming

I have a super natural obsession with smart women

The smarter you are the harder I fall

But don’t use your IQ to make my broken heart your haiku

Pride proves to be the fluid in my sly moves

Guys who try to do my voodoo get lied to

But when they work their magic before I meet the right women

I fight running to try to unright what’s coming

So whats coming / my virginity intact

The industry is wack but don’t match my wack tendencies

She was a virgin like me, I relate to her

On my date with her I made my move, in a horror flick

Bad times there, bad times are fair when your last try at love in this life was nightmare

So every night I stare at my ugly refection to try to find a love that is a blessing

I am an Oger deceased with the need to please

I plead with my dreams to send me the misses me

Then I wake up and take this lonely shower

With my clothes that hold me for hours

(i’m too afraid to be naked)


I am afraid of the love I have for you

I am a virgin

Take your time when you love me

Take your time when you love me

Take your time when you love me

I don’t want this love to fade

One a upon a time a beautiful muse

In her light blond hair and her beautiful shoes

Heard my music and said she was truly amused

She just ate the apple enjoyed her view of me in the nude

I didn’t realize my nudity had moved

Behind the bushes like why is she looking

She touched my shoulder and told me to relax / before I could cry

She holds me in her lap / she said enjoyed your beautiful body

And she kissed my cheek / I felt a tingly sensation in places I didn’t see

She touched me somewhere I’ve never been touched / it felt so fast and I’ve never been rushed

I felt blood rushing down there and she look down there

And it all went down from there / as I tried to resist my eyes twitched and/ and I lost it


I am afraid of the love I have for you

I am a virgin

Take your time when you love me

Take your time when you love me

Take your time when you love me

I don’t want this love to fade

My innocence gone / her mission was strong

Give me a new feeling for me to get on and live with

But as the grand implosion occurs

She walked away holding her curves like they were golden

She smiled / winked and strutted

I feel like I’ve been smutted / what your humans say nutted

I felt disgusting I should have known better

Didn’t want to cry but I couldn’t hold it together

Now my friends say im a whore

I’m just confused / I can’t trust her and never trust who wrote this,

Me / so to put you on notice / my body is as delicate as a lotus

And in my virginity garden you’re a locust

Love is for those who live life unfocused

And I’ve falling in it / crawling in it

Lost my virginity and now my thoughts are spinning

(from the top)

Lyrics contributed by Max, Edited by CHsamples