(opening words are from Alex's younger Sister)Hey everyone,
I'm presenting this song in honor of my brother, Alex Capozza's, 18th birthday who passed away October4th 2009. Thx Charles Hamilton.
We miss you Alex!
-Anika Capozza
(memorial video)
(Picture above was Drawn by Alex
weeks before he death which was a coincidence
to the song)
when Charles' life\career started falling apart
shortly around his last official blog post,
he was going through hard times, He and his uncle Jeff(sensei) moved in
with a family in Southern California and while he got his head on straight the Family
became like his second family.
During the Recording of Normalcy the Families Nephew(Alex Capozza)
was killed in a drunk driving accident(he got in a car with a drunk driver),
and Charles witnessed his families mourning and pain first hand .
though not knowing Alex himself Charles' feels Alex was with him During the recording
of the song
The song above is a dedication to Alex
listen to it not from a "Starchaser" point of view
listen to it as a memorial and a lesson
love life, and enjoy it but make sure
you all don't let situations like the 1 that Alex was
unfortunately in happen to you
Charles' also wrote a letter to the family about the song
and an explanation of why he wrote it and what he felt when he did
listen to the song read the letter
and artwork which is the picture above, was drawn by Alex days
before his death
The song "Choices” - A Wave For Alex, serves as a reminder of how precious and short our existence is and how our fate can be altered by the choices we make. I swear I could feel Alex as I wrote this song, guiding me through his last moments as if they were my own. Alex paid dearly for the choice of getting in a car with a drunk driver at the wheel. Without the intervention of some very supportive people, I was on a path to a similar destiny. It is hard to think about my own bad choices and substance abuse days and this reminds me of how grateful I am to be surrounded by people, including your family, who cared enough to get me back on track. Although I never had the opportunity to meet your brother, your family has become part of my extended family and this tragedy has had a profound affect on me. My heartfelt prayers go out to you.
This song is dedicated to Alex. I can only hope that this serves as a reminder that we should all make wise choices. Listen carefully to the lyrics of this song. Peace.
~~Charles Hamilton~~
after listening to the song, and reading the letter n the post, n watching the video
you all should take a minute or two out of your time
and just be in silence for the family and for Alex
and remember appreciate life people you don't got long on earth
try to be that thing ppl call happy
RT @GUNNARSjemMy nephew, Alex, was killed by a drunk driver in October. Today would be his 18th birthday. "A Wave for Alex"http://bit.ly/aaY2T9 (Thx CH)